She allowed me to be a free spirit and to do what I love. At the age of 5, I wanted to play golf so she bought me and herself a set of clubs. She never made me play or practice or compete. They were all choices I made and I believe that’s why I love this game to this day. She allowed me to fall in love with the game of golf. That’s why to this day as an instructor, I only teach kids that want to play golf and not because their parents make them play.
My mom was my golf partner growing up and I asked her on the course one day...”Mom, what if I played softball or basketball, what would you do?” She said, “I would play along side you. It doesn’t matter what you do, I would support it and would do it with you.”
As we got older, she visited me and I said let’s go for a Jeep ride, drive into the woods, lay in a hammock and throw frisbees. We took the doors off the Jeep to surprise her. She got out of the house, hopped right in and was ready to go without any hesitation. She didn't even ask where the doors were.
We drove into nature, hit some pitch shots, and Adam taught her how to throw a frisbee. She got really good at it. My mother isn’t perfect and I am not a perfect daughter but we sure make perfect moments together.
I will never forget what she said to me when I was a little girl. She really would do anything that I loved doing. She is a woman of her words. Many blessings to my Mom and to all Mothers.

Thank you, Steve for your sweet and thoughtful comment.
Very heartwarming. Being a parent is very fulfilling. You're fortunate to have a mother like her.