Nice J mark. I mark my golf ball with three green dots (always green sharpe) around the number. One dot on each side of the number and 1 dot at the bottom of the number.
That’s very nice...a small green cursive j with a very neat style. That so fits you for sure. I always get flack from my regular playing partners because I print (kind of haphazardly actually) in very large capital letters all over the ball, and nowhere in particular CB+JB+JL...I’ve been asked, but nobody but me knows what the letters mean, or their significance, and I like it that way. If another golfer on an adjacent hole happens upon my errant shot he/she will know straight away that it’s not theirs for sure. I also currently have 4 colors of Sharpie marking pens (flourescent flaked gold, which is my fav, basic black, a bright orange, and a soft pink), and when I mark my 3 balls before each round, I’ll choose the color that fits my mood for the day. Each color represents a set of golf attributes that can help me play successfully on the day. You’ve got me thinking now and I feel the need to go pick out another dozen or so sharpie colors so I can have more selections to match my first tee mood!! I guess I make it more complicated then need be. A great question!!
Nice J mark. I mark my golf ball with three green dots (always green sharpe) around the number. One dot on each side of the number and 1 dot at the bottom of the number.
That’s very nice...a small green cursive j with a very neat style. That so fits you for sure. I always get flack from my regular playing partners because I print (kind of haphazardly actually) in very large capital letters all over the ball, and nowhere in particular CB+JB+JL...I’ve been asked, but nobody but me knows what the letters mean, or their significance, and I like it that way. If another golfer on an adjacent hole happens upon my errant shot he/she will know straight away that it’s not theirs for sure. I also currently have 4 colors of Sharpie marking pens (flourescent flaked gold, which is my fav, basic black, a bright orange, and a soft pink), and when I mark my 3 balls before each round, I’ll choose the color that fits my mood for the day. Each color represents a set of golf attributes that can help me play successfully on the day. You’ve got me thinking now and I feel the need to go pick out another dozen or so sharpie colors so I can have more selections to match my first tee mood!! I guess I make it more complicated then need be. A great question!!